

Well, this is embarrassing, writing about yourself like this. Here’s goes. My name’s Stephanie and I live in Swindon, which is a largish town in the south-west of England. This is starting to sound like one of those introductory pen-pal letters that I had to write in French lessons at school. When I’m not making clothes (which is most of the time really) I’m often to be found avoiding housework by wandering around the countryside.


The main purpose of the website is to provide me with a record of how I’ve made things and to gather together useful information. I’m interested in and occasionally write about:

  • Design & inspiration
    The design process, where to find ideas and inspiration, how to record ideas, what to think about when designing a garment, how to draw designs.
  • Patterns
    Buying commercial patterns and making alterations to them, how to make your own patterns, finding and making clothes that fit properly.
  • Making clothes
    How to select and cut out fabric, sewing and knitting techniques, how to make alterations to clothes, what equipment you need and how to use it.
  • Style & fashion
    How to make or buy clothes that suit you and make you feel confident, how to work out what you like, fashion trends.
  • Wardrobe planning
    Wardrobe planning and lifestyle analysis, working out what clothes to make or buy, organising your closet, creating clothes that go together in outfits, caring for clothes.
  • Shopping
    Where to buy fabric, yarn, notions, equipment and ready-to-wear clothes, reviews of books, patterns and courses, how to shop for clothes and fabric in as painless a way as possible.


This website contains affiliate links. I am an Amazon and Craftsy affiliate, which means that I receive a small percentage commission if you buy something from them having clicked through from here. I only recommend products and services that I think are genuinely good and would be happy to buy myself.


All content on this blog is licensed under a Creative Commons Attribution-Non-Commercial-Share Alike licence unless specified otherwise.


stephatclothespress (at) gmail (dot) com