‘Leaf T-shirt’ knitted short-sleeve top

by Stephanie on 26 September 2016

in Finished things,Knitting,Making clothes

blue knitted short-sleeve top on hanger

Just in case anyone’s been wondering what happened with the Leaf top I was knitting (and I sincerely hope that the uncertainty has not been the cause of five years of sleepless nights)… I did finish it in the end. Do I actually wear it? Occasionally.

Anyway for completeness, here it is from the front…

Me wearing blue knitted top in garden - front view

And here is the back…

Me wearing blue knitted top in garden - back view

What I did to finish the top and whether I made any alterations to the pattern are unfortunately lost in the mists of time. Following my problems with the raglan increases and helpful comments from people who know more about knitting than I do, I guess that the problems were with me rather than the pattern. The method I evolved worked out OK in the end.

See also

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